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Our Curriculum

Tweets by ElmsFarmSchool

At Elms Farm Primary School we have tailored our curriculum to meet the needs and interests of our children through our core values – ambition, community and equality. Our Subject Leaders ensure that the units are progressively taught and deliver the National Curriculum objectives for each subject area.

Our curriculum is tailored to deliver the key skills recommended by research produced by The Sutton Trust (2017) to enable pupils in similar contexts as Elms Farm to be ready for life beyond education. As our key priorities are reading, writing & mathematical skills, we also identify key texts to match to each unit with purposeful writing experiences and opportunities to develop mathematical skills in a real-life context.

Our Curriculum Intent 



Our key values are threaded through our curriculum:

Ambition: we want our children to be ambitious, to develop their strengths and interests and hold high aspirations.

Community: we take pride in our local community for our children to be proud of who they are and how they can contribute to their community and the wider world.

Equality: Elms Farm Primary School values each and every pupil. We want our pupils to understand that everyone should be valued and treated equally.


The curriculum at Elms Farm Primary School has been designed to enable our pupils to: 

  • Be confident and competent readers
  • Be able to write in a variety of styles and present information in different ways
  • Apply their mathematical knowledge in a variety of contexts
  • Know about the world we live in and its key moments in history
  • Have rich experiences to take them beyond their local community
  • Be curious about the world around them and able to learn with resilience 
  • Be ready for the world beyond primary school, to develop their interests and be ambitious

We have designed our curriculum to provide our pupils with the key skills needed to be successful citizens, as outlined in research by The Sutton Trust (2017).

EFPS curriculum intent

The EFPS Curriculum

How are subjects taught at Elms Farm?
Our unit overview


Planning Subject Areas through Topic units: Ensuring progression

Subject Leaders plan National Curriculum coverage
Concrete knowledge is planned through topic overviews
Skill progression is planned through topic overviews
Topic overviews link with key values
Key questions structure topic journey planning

The children at Elms Farm enjoy presenting their work in double-page spreads. There are opportunities for writing threaded throughout our curriculum. 

Our topic display work


Our topic book work


The EFPS curriculum adheres to the Birmingham Curriculum Statement set out in the document below. 

How have we improved our Wider Curriculum?


Curriculum development journey document

Autumn Unit Overviews

Spring Unit Overviews

Summer Unit Overviews

EYFS Wider Curriculum Documents

If you require any further information about our curriculum please contact the school office on 0121 4644634.