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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Year 5 is an important year in your child's education, as it prepares them for Year 6 and their future SATs tests. To achieve these requirements, it is essential we demand and uphold high expectations, as we work towards achieving excellence across the curriculum. Showing our A.C.E values of Ambition, Community and Equality as we do so.
Throughout year 5, the  children will continue to develop skills learnt in Lower Key Stage 2, across a broad and balanced curriculum. To maintain these skills, it is essential that pupils continue to read daily and evidence this in their diaries and practice their times table facts and number bonds through TTRS.

We follow Talk for Writing through our English lessons, with the children having the opportunity to immerse themselves in a range of exciting texts, through the imitation, innovation and independent stages of our process. Our model texts this year include: Touching the void, Isis and Osiris, The Prince and the Pauper, Fox and Alien Landings. 

In maths, we enjoy challenging ourselves to use a variety of mathematical concepts and resources to solve; Do it, Twist it, Deepen it and Super Challenge problems. Our children are encouraged to be independent learners, solving these problems in a way that best suits their learning, whilst enhancing their critical thinking and analytical skills.

Our Topics include a range of exciting learning activities from around the globe and throughout the history of time.

Our Autumn topic consists of -

What is a river's journey? In which we follow a river from it's source all the way to it's mouth. Along the way, we learn about the parts of rivers and how the water cycle contributes to life on Earth. We also learn about mountains and their origins, having the fantastic opportunity to visit and explore Carding Mill Valley, an area of outstanding beauty.

In the Spring term, we study -

British Monarchs: What can we learn about their portraits? During this topic, we learn all about life in Tudor Britain and the impact of monarchs on their people and the legacy of this on our country today. Whilst also investigating the use and effects of portraits in Tudor Britain. 

Why does the USA have different time zones? In which we learn about how the size of the USA leads to a number of different biomes existing in the same country.

In the Summer term, our topic is -

What were the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians? Where we explore how they used the River Nile in a number of interesting ways, to support their life in Ancient Egypt. We also learn about the Pyramids and the Pharaohs they were built for.

Year 5 Timetable, Curriculum Maps and Guides

Some useful websites to practise your key skills, consolidate knowledge.