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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Year 6 is the final year of your time as part of the Elms Farm community! In this year, we work hard to improve our independence and maturity in preparation for secondary school and look at how we can become a role model to the younger children. We also work hard to prepare for our SATs examinations which take place in May.

Our topics encompass a range of activities and learning from all around the globe.

Our Autumn topic is all about Mexico and The Maya , where we learn about the Ancient Maya and their traditions; discover the human and physical features of Mexico; learn all about the desert biome and the things that live here; explore the works of Frida Kahlo; and enjoy the book Holes, learning all about Stanley Yelnats and how he is always in the wrong place at the wrong time!

After Christmas, we move to study 'What was the Impact of World War 2 on the West Midlands', where we investigate the Second World War in detail; read the heart-warming story of Goodnight Mister Tom; look at the troubles and difficulties of evacuees; create diary entries in the role of Anne Frank; and spend time creating and testing our own Anderson Shelters. Additionally, we will explore Coventry Cathedral and learn about its significance during the Blitz. 

Our final topic focuses on preparing the children for their transition to Secondary school and beyond.  They will learn important life skills that allow them to feel confident being independent, as they take their next steps. We learn how to safely navigate public transport, how to organise our time effectively and how to budget and shop for ourselves. We will also take part in a range of end of year celebrations, including our end of year trip. 

Our children love being in Year 6 and the younger children look forward to it! 

Our team works incredibly hard and look forward to you seeing all of our exceptional work!

Mr Stratford     Mrs McBride    

Mr Willis            Miss Smith


Autumn Term 1