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Welcome to Reception!

Meet the team : Donaldson class - Miss Field 

Ahlberg class - Miss Mannion and Miss Khatun

At Elms Farm we believe all children should have the opportunity to grow and succeed. We deliver the EYFS curriculum with ambition and allow the children to have lots of real life experiences.

We will ensure your child develops a positive attitude to school and learning, which will stay with them as they move through Elms Farm Primary School.

Our key values our ‘Ambition, Community & Equality’. We teach our pupils about these values so that they grow up to be ambitious, good citizens who treat everyone equally. Working closely with parents and carers is important to us in supporting our pupils.

A look inside Ahlberg class

Take a look inside Donaldson class

The School Day

The children begin at 8:40 am and finish at 3:20pm (Fridays 1:10pm)

We like to have lots of fun in Reception! You can see our curriculum units on our website.

Example of daily  activities completed throughout  the week

Focused English Task 

Focused Maths Task

Focused Phonics

Focused Reading

Gross and Fine Motor Skills  Activities     

Topic Activities

PSHE Activities

Communication and Language Activities 

Story Time

Whole school Celebration Assembly


Arriving for school

At the beginning of the day the children will come on to KS1 playground and they will go through their classroom door where they will be greeted by a member of the EYFS team.

We kindly ask parents not to enter the school but allow their child to find their name peg independently. Children will try to find their name card and complete a settling in activity.

Collecting at Home Time

At the end of the school day children will be ready with their belongings. The children will be let out of their classroom door once a member of EYFS team as seen you or the appointed person, for pick up. 

Things to bring to school

  • A school bag – which can be purchased from the school office
  • A suitable coat
  • A named water bottle

Snacks and Lunches

Children will be provided with a piece of fruit which is usually given at snack time.  Please do not send any sugary snacks with your child.

If you are providing your child with a packed lunch, please make sure it has a variety of food so your child is receiving a balanced diet.

All children in Reception are entitled to Universal Free School meals at lunchtime. We have a varied and exciting menu ranging from jacket potatoes to Caribbean chicken. Halal and vegetarian menus are available every day.

It is important that you let us know if your child has any allergies.


Should your child need to have prescribed medicines or inhalers administered in school, an authorisation of medicine form must be completed. This is available from the office. Only prescribed medicines should be brought into school.


We use the ‘Class Dojo’ app to communicate with parents and share whole school information. You will be able to see photographs of the class learning during the week too. In September, you will be given sign up information.