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English as An Additional Language

At Elms Farm Primary School, we are proud that we can speak over twenty different languages!

As a Rights Respecting School, we passionately believe that children should know and practise their rights including the right to practise and celebrate their culture (Article 30). 

We are committed to ensuring that all children make good progress; providing initial support to help children, who are new to the country, by partnering them with language buddies and organising language specific interventions throughout the year.

At Elms Farm we know that learning is most effective when parents feel able to support their children at home. We invite parents in for activity and learning sessions throughout the year so they can be kept informed with changes to the curriculum. We make sure these sessions are suitable for everyone, whether they are can speak confidently or are learning English as their second language.

Our diversity is part of what makes our school a great place to learn and grow. Each year, we run cross- curricular projects to celebrate the different cultures and traditions our children share. Have a look at the photos from last year's celebration in the boxes below!

Cultural Art Competition 2018