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Safeguarding  at Elms Farm Primary School

Elms Farm is committed to effective safeguarding to ensure that we:

  • Protect our children from harm
  • Prevent harm to children's development or health
  • Provide a safe & happy environment

We have a team of Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) who ensure that our safeguarding procedures are well implemented, and that staff receive regular, up to date training. Our DSLs keep up to date with local safeguarding issues to support our practice and offer the right help within our school community.

Our team works with a variety of outside services such as the Police, Social Care and Health services and offer families support through 'Right Help, Right Time'.

As part of our school value of 'Community', we educate our pupils about local issues to help to keep them safe outside of school. We also work with parents & carers to help with e-safety.

Safeguarding Across the Curriculum

We foster a strong ethos of safeguarding throughout the school by ensuring that safeguarding themes are taught across the curriculum, events and assemblies. It is important to us that our pupils understand how to safe and raise concerns. This supports our pupils in preparation for life outside and beyond school.

Our approach is outlined in the document below:

  • EduSafe Information for parents & carers about a range of topics around safeguarding

Useful Documents