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A high quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.’  DfE (2013)

Geography at Elms Farm

Elms Farm Primary School values Geography because it develops pupils' curiosity about places and people. Geography helps pupils to raise and answer questions about the natural and human worlds. It gives children a sense of their immediate and wider community. Geography gives children the knowledge and desire to explore the wider world and equips children with key skills in which to do this.


  • To equip children with the knowledge and understanding of their locality, the United Kingdom and the wider world. 
  • To give children an understanding of vocabulary relating to human and physical features of the world.
  • To develop first-hand experiences through fieldwork. 
  • To develop geographical skills to enable them to live effectively in the wider world. 
  • To develop an understanding of how places are changing and how environmental and climatic factors influence our lives. 
  • To develop an understanding of cultures and different ways of living. 

Learning Journey

Whole School Geography Learning Journey

Geography in KS1

Geography in Year 3 and 4

Geography in Year 5 and 6

Pupil comments

Children at Elms Farm have a good understanding of what they learn during Geography lessons. Click the link below to see some of the children's comments. 

  • EYFS Understanding the World- Pages 27-30 (section6)